My Freezer

I love, and I do mean LOVE having my big freezer! 
In fact, I think it would be safe to say would be lost with out it! 
A puddle of goo lost! 
This freezer of mine helps me to feed my family of 8,
or any number actually!
It helps me to save a ton of money
 and a HUGE amount of time.
 It also helped me to survive some seriously bad days and chronic medical issues.

Does this mean YOU need a big freezer to get started?
NO WAY José !!
What I love about supper starters is:
They are skinny!
They are fast to make and multiply!
and they don't break the bank!

Before we go too far,
I need to clear up that I don't do once a month cooking,
 which I have tried and love in the end but
 I just don't have that much time (or sometimes stamina)
to cook from sun up to sun down,
Its hard for me to set that much time aside
to drop everything to cook,
AND to know that I will be feeling ok TO cook.
Plus, my home would look like a tornado blew through.

So I project cook.
I get stuff done in the morning, when I am at my best.
And come what may,
 my little morning prep sessions and projects
allow me to grab out dinner,
 or a bunch of prepped ingredients and
I have the makings of a good, healthy meal
 for my STARVING large family... fast and easy!


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