My Friend Freezer Starter Swaps

Occasionally I am a bit silly and ambitious. I think its that I just get so excited to share great ideas with friends that I know that have really helped me in my life. I know that a part of life is sharing your talents but sometimes (alot of the time) I underestimate how much work those great ideas will be.

April 2015 - Make and take freezer meal night
One of these GREAT ideas is a friend freezer meal swap. The first time we did this we all gathered and made the meals together that night. It took alot of work, calculations and time to make this successful, but oh how much fun it was to see all of that effort pay off! You can read here about our 330 freezer meal make and take.

October 2015 - Freezer Meal Swap
It took me a while to feel up to another group adventure after that, so we are switching things up a bit and everyone is making their meals at home and bringing it to a swap. Each is bringing how many they wish to bring home with up to 10 of each recipe. These are the recipes we are making this time.


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