In the mood for ... Food?!

I don't know about you, but some days just get in a mood. A mood for a type of food. It might be that I just want Mexican food, with those yummy spicy Mexican flavors. Other days I have fierce cravings for fancy Asian, saucy Italian food or just some super yummy comfort food. When I get these cravings there is nothing to stop them but to give it what it wants. Once upon a time this would mean to go to a restaurant and spend a bunch of money, but over the years I have done my very best to track down recipes that I could make at home that fit them perfectly and hopefully even adapt them to be more healthy too! Now when ever I get "In the mood" for something yummy and restaurant quality, I turn to my freezer saving big time bucks.

 Mexican Food

 Asian Food

 Italian Food

 Comfort Foods
    Try new nationality foods


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