Cilantro Lime Wraps

This meal is so super yummy. 
Its not ultra strong in a cilantro taste, 
the flavors blend together very well. 
I do have to say that I am not too big on it just eating it all by its self,
but love it in a wrap with flour tortillas, lettuce, tomato and ranch dressing.
 We also eat it as our protein in salads all the time too.
 Defiantly in our top 50!

Just so things are clear,  I make many of my freezer meals with out it's meat. I love doing this because it makes the meals super skinny fitting into a small freezer space. I also love doing this so I can make 3-4 months worth of each freeze meal with out committing my expensive meats to only those meals. I also like buying meat on sale or in bulk and it would be tough planning freezer meals at the same time. When I am all ready to make my meal. I thaw the meat and dump it in and let it marinate over night or for a few hours. Perfectly perfect.



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