Canning Salsa recipe

Makes 9 pints & 7 Quarts Salsa + 6 Quarts tomato juice

30 lbs Tomatoes (2.5 gallons pureed)
6 lbs White Onions (10 cups pureed)
1 lb Jalapeno (2 cups pureed) reserve 1 cup for hot batch
8 small bunches Cilantro (2 cups pureed)
1 ½ lbs Anaheim Peppers (3 cups pureed) Optional
3 T Cumin
3T garlic powder
4 T Salt
¾ cup Lemon Juice
2/3 cups Lime Juice

Step #1: Gather your Supplies
Water bath caner and rack
Large pot to heat water in
Super Large bowl or clean bucket (that can hold about 3 gallons)
1 gallon Ice cream bucket (or measure where the 1 gallon line is on your bowls)
3-4 gallon size bowls
Food Processor (not required but will cut your chopping time by about 2 hours)
Colander (to strain out tomato juice)
Paring knife (to peal tomatoes and do other veggie preparing)
Juice Pitcher (to put strained tomato juice)
Measuring Tablespoon and cups
Cutting board

Step #2 : Preparing Jars
If you have a dishwasher, run your jars through a cycle to sterilize them. Do this even if the jars are 'clean' to assure they are sterilized of all germs. If you do not have a dishwasher you need to boil them for 10 minutes in Hot water. I do this the same time I am working on my tomatoes so I do not feel rushed.
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT put cold jars into hot water! You need to bring them up to heat as they are in the water. If you are doing more than one batch you must dump out most of the water and start over. Jars can be put into water you can put your hand in comfortably.


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