French Bread

This is my favorite French bread. It was a friend of mines grandma's recipe and it is actually the first bread I made on my own, when budget was so tight and it was our only bread we ate. I didn't have bread pans and so this makes a perfect bread to start out on.

Makes 2 large loaves

  • 1 T Yeast
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 2 ½ cups warm water
  • 2 t salt
  • ¼ cup Vegetable oil
  • Approximately 6 cups total white flour

Mix Yeast, sugar, warm water and let stand 5 minutes. Add oil and 2-3 cups of the flour. Mix well then add salt and slowly stir in the rest of flour. Dough should not be too dry or wet. When touched with floured finger you finger should come back clean. Turn out to floured board and knead for 15 minutes. Put into oiled bowl and raise until double, about 1 hour.
Punch down and divide into two. Shape by rolling into a rectangle and rolling up lengthwise and pinch seems. Put on oiled cookie sheet, seems down. Make three slits on top at an angle and repeat for both loaves. Cover and let raise until double. (about 30 minutes)
Bake for about 30 minutes @ 350.
Christy Lusk


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