Taco Meat ~ 5 pounds at a time

Today was a taco meat day. I have big-batched taco meat forever it seems. One thing I truly can't stand is trying to brown up frozen hamburger and the time that it takes shaving off that little bit that has cooked of that hunk of frozen meat.

I love having taco meat all ready to go in the freezer for those last minute, unplanned, crazy day dinners. For quite a while it was used far to often and I am now spacing this family staple out a bit.

By browning 5 pounds of hamburger at a time, you will make browning and clean up worth it. Grab your self the biggest pot you have and break up the meat as you add it. Then just walk away, but don't forget to come back every few minutes and break up the meat as it starts to brown.

To make draining a lot easier on myself, I just get a pie pan and put my colander in it and drain my meat that way. Then back in the pot it goes for 2 cups of water and a cup of bulk taco seasoning from Sam's Club (or 5 packets of taco seasoning). give it a stir and cook for a few more minutes and it is ready to cool.

I always put my taco meat into quart size storage bags. I don't bother with the freezer bags as we will use it in a month and it stays fresh just fine that way. Add as much in your bag as your family will eat at a time. I usually make 5 bags plus a bowl for that nights meal, so about 3/4 of a pound worth each. My family would eat more but we add tons of less expensive side to save on costs.

A quick hand wash of dishes and I'm all set.


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