Kitchen Projects - Saving time and money by big batch prepping

If you can only do one thing to save time and money THIS IS IT! By doing kitchen projects when you can, over time you save so much time, money and freezer space! This one thing alone has saved my life!  Here are my favorite kitchen projects.

I love my freezer and use it daily. But there was a time in our house that I needed and relied on my freezer to get us through each and every day. I didn't know when I prepped meals and items before my last baby was born, that I later have four plus YEARS of chronic daily headaches and health issues. I didn't know how nice it would be to already have my habits down of project cooking ahead. In one day to the next life changed for us. I had now 6 kids to feed, one being a newborn and I myself could barely function. Thankfully many of our kids were older and my husband was able to work from home for a while. Somehow we made it though those first few months, and it was no small thanks to my amazing husband who often survived on 2 hours of sleep, to my kids who pitched right in and did what needed doing, and the work that I did long before preparing with kitchen projects and freezer meals. These small and simple moments of taking time slicing and dicing in good moments made such a huge difference.


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