Freezer Side Dish Starters

After making freezer meals for so long, I cut out the time and energy used to worry about dinner. It was amazing to me how this allowed me to extend my mini prep sessions to new and different side dishes. We started eating more for one thing. Instead of just plopping a main dish on the table we had a ton more variety of things to choose on the table. This not only helped us to reduce the cost and amount of our meat portion, but it also helped us eat healthier.

To help with this effort of eating better with fast and easy dinners, I started taking "fancy" side dishes and prepping them in multiples also. This way I just cut up veggies, make rice or pasta or whatever... and mix them with my prepped yumminess. This has helped me EASILY step up my meals into gourmet statics with very little effort at dinner time!

* Please note that I am working fast and furious to "fill" my site with all the delicious foods we have tried. This area is a work in progress that one day will be filled to the brim, but it will take time. I'm sorry its not there quite yet.

 Beans & Grain Side Starters


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