330 Freezer Meals later...

A few weeks ago we had an amazing evening! It took alot of planning and work to get there, but some friends and I got together and assembled 330 freezer meals kits in less than 3 hours! Actually, alot less. We have this habit of talking, chatting, and getting a bit side tracked sometimes, but that is what we are there for, Right?

We had 16 different recipes, chose what we would like, up to 32 meals worth each and came together to helped assemble the meals. We all had a preparation project, which we did ahead of time. Some shopped, chopped or cut and laminated.

It was a complete blast and so worth the time and effort I had put in to planning it. I will be sharing with you all the recipes, with recipe cards, shopping lists and labels as I get posts for them completed.

I learned a few things that I would do differently during that MASSIVE project. But all in all I would do it again for sure. Taking on a 330 meal project that big was ALOT of work, but super fun and rewarding.

 After all the shopping, chopping and labeling the bags were done, we unloaded and set up our groceries. We set up our room by splitting it up into 4 groups. Each group taking 4 recipes.

We started by opening each of the bags for our first recipe, turning the zipper part out and flattening the bottom to make a bowl. We line these up in a organized row, so we won't miss any of the ingredients into our bags.

We then gathered the ingredients for one recipe at a time. Then each taking one ingredient, we measured it into each of the bags.

Once everything is in each bag for an ingredient, we double check with everyone, to make sure all items were put in and ts complete. We started using a marker to cross it off as we went, just to be sure.

After we double checked, we removed all the air from each bag and sealed it up, and flattened them. Honestly, after doing it that night, I have learned to save flattening them for after everyone brings them home and is ready to freeze them. What we had happening is that some of the bags were leaking because we would stack them on each other high and it was being allowed to sit like that too long, leaking.  I didn't even freeze mine that night, making this a bit worse even. So, I would not flatten them until you are at home, ready to freeze them to avoid leaks. Also, I would not recommend Walmart freezer bags. I have always been super happy with ziplock, and haven't had a problem. If your worried you can always double bag.

After everyone was done with assembling their recipes, we collected them and cleaned up. And of course took a picture of all these amazing friends and our amazing accomplishment.

I honestly wish you could have been there. The aromas that were in that room spoke of yummy things to come. It was great, and fun and sometimes a bit powerful smelling :)

Then the fun part... we went shopping! Collecting what we made. Collecting the dinners that we will be easily able to make for the next while!

We had a few hiccups, but very minor ones for sure. Calculating this many meals and getting all the ingredients for them all was sometimes on the crazy side, But I think considering the amount of meals we made, being short 2 items was pretty darn good. It was nice we had a extra helper that ran to the store so we could finish up.

I loved that night. I had SO MUCH FUN! I loved being able to share some yummy, family loved recipes with my friends, and make a month of dinners for my family with some amazing ladies!

One day soon, we will do this again. I will iron out details and hiccups then and post THE PLAN with the shopping list and everything. So you can be an amazing group of friends with a freezer of meals too! 

Much love,


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