Seasoned Browned Hamburger

One of the things I hate most is thawing meat, or forgetting to thaw meat! Trying to cook hamburger frozen is the worst thine EVER, shaving those bits of cooked of that frozen hunk it the sure to be annoying. I am not to keen on dirty dishes too. So for me cooking ahead my hamburger is a win win... and win for me.

 Have you ever had hamburger that you have cooked up ahead of time that tasted weird? Do you know that if you don't season your meat before it cools it just doesn't taste right, even if you season it after, tasting like old grease. By seasoning it while it is hot this does not happen. It gets the salt to ALL the meat and is tasty even after you freeze it. I love having browned hamburger ready to go for soups or spaghetti sauce or any of a million recipes that require brown hamburger. It takes just a few more minutes to brown 5 pounds as it does 1 pound. You even still have the same amount of dishes. So why not :o)

Seasoned Browned Hamburger
5 lbs ground beef (leaner the better)
Salt to taste (about 2 tsp) (not optional! :o)
Pepper to taste (about 3/4 tsp) (optional, but tasty)
1/2 cup of dried onions (not really optional. It just won't taste the same, trust me.)

When the hamburger is done, I drain it in my metal colander which is placed over a glass pie pan... so easy! Add seasonings and give it a toss. When it cools, bag it in family size portions. For me that is about 3/4 lb or about 2 cups each quart size bag.


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