Cooked Italian Sausage

My family has really liked Italian Sausage added to a few of our meals. Every year or so I find a great deal on it and buy a bunch to cook up in my freezer. As I was shopping, they had a SUPER deal and I got 10 packages of them. I cooked them up and sliced them ready to go into spaghetti sauce, on pizzas or for a great addition for another meal. At a dollar a package I can't complain. 12 meals worth for $10.38

Cooked Italian Sausage

I just put as many sausages in a pan, add about 1/3 cup of water, throw a lid on and cook it up for about 20 minutes (Turning it once) until they start to brown and are done in the center. Place it on a plate to cool and then get slicing. After they are sliced I may throw them back in and brown them up a bit more, but it is not necessary as long as they are cooked through. Bag them up into one meal portions into a quart size bag, label them, flatten them and freeze.


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