Potato Side Starters

Our family loves potatoes, but unfortunately it is not always easy to freeze them. Potatoes do not follow clear cut rules when it comes to the freezer, and for me I had to learn them through trial and error. Not a good thing when it means possibly wasting food and starting over with a failed dinner attempt. I will share what I have learned so that hopefully you won't have many fails.

Freezing Raw Potatoes will leave you with BLACK raw potatoes. Not at all pretty and appetizing. If you really want to freeze cubed raw potatoes you will need to blanch them first for about 3-5 minutes. Just enough to cook the outside a bit. After blanching them, drop them in a sink of cool water to stop the cooking, after which you can bag them up, remove as much air as possible and freeze them.

Refreezing cooked potatoes sometimes works... and sometimes does not :/ I have found that mashed potatoes, oven potatoes, and even whole baked potatoes work great in the freezer. I have also found that uncooked potato casseroles or cooked potatoes in soup sadly do not. The potato casserole amplified the onion which was in it and that was all that we could taste making it completely unappetizing. The potatoes in the soups just became so squishy gross that we threw the whole thing out.

I wrote a whole post on how to freeze potatoes, with a bunch of side dish recipes here. The first 7 links below take you to this post as well.

Potato Freezer Side Dishes


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