Bell Peppers ~ Frozen

I did it! I finally found a fabulous deal on bell peppers for this year. 2 hours later 30 bell peppers are all chopped and bagged and beginning to freeze, enough for my family to eat for a year. Why in the world would I want to chop peppers for a few hours and freeze them? Several reasons actually. Convenience, saving time later, dishes, and hassle. Also I don't have to think about NOT having them when I meal plan, because I know I do. The biggest reason though is cost savings.
I spent $10.00. 3 for $1.00 at SPROUTS. I know that they were 4 for a dollar last week, but I sadly missed that sale.  
Here's the deal. Last year in my local stores the HIGHEST price that a single bell pepper can get is $1.69 but generally a off season bell pepper is about $1.29 and they are dinky, not like in season big fleshy monsters like I got today. If I were to pay $1.29 for 15 bell peppers (assuming that I am the cheap person I am and would not get them as often because of the cost.) That is almost $20.00 in bell peppers! So doing it this way saves me half the cost for TWICE the amount (or about $30 savings on 30 peppers). Hmmm what can I spend with that EXTRA 30 bucks! It all adds up :o) 


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