Easy Homemade Restraurant Salsa

I have been making my own salsa for about 15 years. 
Over time my recipe has changed a bit.
But its not too far away from my original.
I tried my first real (non store bought) amazing salsa at a service activity.
It was brough by a man to share
And I quickly wrote the recipe on a napkin!
I have not looked back since!
This is my cheater recipe. With canned tomatoes BUT
you can also do it with all fresh and add tasty veggies
 Fast, simple and scrumptious!

 I use to chop and dice jalapenos, tomatoes, onions and cilantro. 
 While it was VERY yummy, it took allot of time. 
I have since cut my time by using
a FOOD PROCESSOR for all of my ingredients
 to make a smooth blended salsa
 that is much like our favorite restaurants.
 I also cut my time by making it in a big batch.
and when I am feeling lazy, I use canned tomatoes. 

A HUGE double batch of this addicting stuff
lasts only about a month in my home. 
It stays good for that long in my fridge too! 
Bottling it works even better!
I do this about once a year. 
I try to plan enough for the year, but never make it. EVER.
They make easy and yummy gifts for
teachers and friends that it goes fast around here.

I double the recipe below and have HEAVEN on a chip!
The heaven is good for you, the chip... not so much.

Our Homemade Salsa
1 #10 can of diced tomatoes Or 5 pounds fresh tomatoes, de-seeded (I like a combo of both best.)
1 large  bunch of Cilantro (or 3 Tbsp dried)
1 bunch of green onions
2 white (best) or yellow onion
1 4oz can of diced Jalapenos or 4 medium fresh jalapenos (or to taste)
2-3 tsp salt
3 tsp cumin
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp black pepper

You will need a Large bowl to mix your blended ingredients. Course chop your vegetables and blend everything in a food possessor. I start with most of my tomatoes first, then add all the onion and cilantro and jalapeno to the rest of the tomatoes giving it more liquid to blend with. Make sure that they are well chopped. Add to your big bowl and add your spices and mix together. Adjust spices to taste.

Allowing it to sit for the flavors to blend well is best, but somehow that just doesn't happen before chips start dippin'. I hope you enjoy one of our family favorite. It freezes well, but it does require a thicker freezer bag to guard against leaks. It also keeps well in the refrigerator for 3-4  weeks. A double batch costs not quite $10.00 to make and you get 32 cups! Ummm... I think it's worth my time. :o) and soooooo yummy!

This is a great project to start bottling/canning. It just requires a water bath canner, canning jars and lids. If you choose to can this salsa using FRESH tomatoes, you will need a 1/4 cup of lemon juice added in for each gallon of tomatoes. If using only canned tomatoes this is not required.

(ps... if you look in the ingredients picture you will see Italian seasoning with the green lid... that was suppose to be cumin.... oops )

To save this recipe, right click it and save it in your photos or copy and paste it into your a doc and print it.


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