Freezing Chopped Celery (project)

Our family doesn't really like to eat raw celery. It is my fault, I admit it, but I do love celery in soups. I would try to scheduled enough to use up the whole bunch of celery but that is not too easy sometimes. So I have started freezing in already chopped and ready to go.

Even better is when they go on sale at the cheapest price of the year and I grab a bunch to slice up. It works fabulous to just break off what I need and leave the rest for another time. and I don't have to throw anything out unused. It also allows me to get a  years worth when they are on sale and in season. If you use a food processor to slice them, this project will literally take only minutes to complete!

Note: Celery will get freezer burned in about 6 months, sooner if there is extra mosture and air in the bags, so pat it dry with a few paper towels and remove as much air as you can before freezing it flat in your quart size zip bag.


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